Wednesday 7 September 2011

Facets of Fuchsia by Revlon

You know Revlon, as much as your formula bites the big one, you are geniuses for "replicating" expensive nail polish colors, like Graphite and Paradoxol from Chanel. And now, Bad Romance from Deborah Lippman. Facets of Fuchsia is a color you have to see in real life, because it a bitch to photograph! I had to go into the twins I nanny for playroom, to get a decent shot (hence the toys in the background). I definitely think they have a hit on their hands, I obviously do not have Bad Romance to compare (Julie!) but if you go online, there are a million pictures comparing the two.

The formula is a bit better since it's jelly, but you will need three coats because with two you will see the nail bed underneath. I love how it is dense with glitter, seriously the first coat was packed with glitter. That is one thing that I loathe with glitter nail polishes, you get no glitter pay off until the 57th coat. But not this one! It is packed with glitter (it's going to be fun getting it off though, thank you foil for making the process a lot less painful!)
Stock photo from Revlon, no justice whatsoever...
So overall, this polish is amazing! If you can't get the real deal from Deborah, then definitely locate your nearest Target and look for the make-up collection from Gucci Westman (an amazing make-up artist with Revlon). But ta-ta for now!

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