I used Planks a lot by OPI that came out in the Pirates of The Caribbean: Stranger Tides collection. Renee got me the mini set for Christmas last year and of course I was very happy! And may I add she bought in Japan, so I know that was not cheap. Any one who's been to Japan knows that OPI, ESSIE, and other American brands cost an arm, leg and first born child..(not in that order!) Then to finish the look, I sponged on Funky Fingers in Kenyan Sunset on the tips. You can't tell from the bottle but its a holo! A gorgeous shimmery HOLO! I love when that happens, you get a polish that looks pretty but then you paint it on, and kaboom..holo goodness;)
I want to try this gradient look in different colors, as it was super easy! But for now I must be going, work awaits!
Thanks to Scrangie and Painting rainbows for the images!
Guys just a reminder!
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All Glitzed up! and A Polished Life!
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